Jonathanthe Cryptidguy: Character Elimination Theory

Have you ever heard of Character Elimination, It's about contestants competing for a million dollars
Well I have a theory on Jonathanthe Cryptidguy's Character Elimination if you would like to listen...
The original 50 contestants were real at some point. But they all died.
Molly was a nice girl, tried to make friends. No one wanted to talk to her, all they did was bully her and push her around. Eventually the bullying went too far, she got into a fight with another girl on accident. She didn't want to hurt anyone, which caused her to lose the fight and her life.
Enderman, who was the smartest of the bunch, had a job. He was a scientist, he was pretty calm around others and had a lot of friends. His life was swell, he eventually got married. His life couldn't get any better. Him and his wife eventually had a kid, it was a boy. They named him, Creeper. Creeper was a sick child yet he was always happy and smiling everyday, he had unknown condition, talking in a weird way almost everyday. At the age of three, he died. Enderman and his wife were so depressed, Enderman started being lazy. He didn't want to do anything after his son's death. His wife eventually left him. He was careless, he didn't know what to do anymore. He died 2 months later, reason is unknown. He was found in his house on his couch, lifeless. He might've had a heart attack.
Swaysway & Buhdeuce who was entering high school at the time, were pranksters in his school, got in trouble a lot. They loved pranking people all the time, They loved doing it to their parents as well. One day a new kid moved to his school, his name was Warren. He was a huge jock and got popular right away. Swaysway and Buhdeuce, who were left out by the others. Jealousy got to his head, he wanted to do an ultimate prank. The plan was not only to prank the new kid, but kill him in the process. Well, Swyasway and Buhdeuce did succeed. But got sent to prison after killing the kid. He was going to be in there for a long time. Swaysway and Buhdeuce didn't want to wait, he wanted all of this to be over. He hung himself on his 3rd day of prison . Plus, it could be possible the kid he killed, was Wubbzy.
Comet, he was a HUGE bully. He treated his parents like crap and abused his girlfriend. He was "in control of his own life". He was in his late teens, smoked cigarettes and drank beer, and He had a lot of parties, one morning... he woke up, he looked around his house for some coke. And...he found his parents... heads decapitated... organs ripped out... it was unknown what happened to his parents, but Comet was horrified. He was horrified of what he became, he looked for a lighter in his house, once he found it he grabbed it and lit himself on fire, he burned to death.
Batman and Spiderman, they were in fact brothers! Batman was older than Spiderman by a few minutes. The two did share a rivalry, but they were not enemies. They took swimming lessons, and when there was a big event coming up for swimming. They both entered, once the race started Spiderman was going fast under the water. Batman was doing the same thing, but suddenly they both rammed into each other while underwater. They both lost their breathe, due to them being so young at the time, they both drowned in the pool.
The Powerpuff Girls, They were those typical gossip girls you see everyday at school, Blossom was planning for a sleepover. Bubbles and Buttercup squealed and asked if they took go to the sleepover, Blossom said yes. After school, the three girls went to their friend's house to get ready for the sleepover, once they got in. They got into their pajamas talking about boys. They turned on the TV, and a warning came up. It said that two killers were on the loose and it was in their friend's, Unikitty's neighborhood. They said to close all your doors and windows. The girls were panicking, "OMG OMG OMG I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Buttercup yelled out and started to sob. Bubbles tried to comfort Buttercup while Blossom went down stairs to shut all the doors and windows. But what she didn't know was, the killers were already inside. One of them was behind Blossom, carrying Unikitty's corpse, and grabbed her by the neck. "WHERE IS THE F***ING CASH YOU B****!" One of the killers yelled, clawing at her throat. "I-I...I don't know." There was an awkward silence...then, the killer jabbed his knife into her stomach. Dying in one second. The other killer was looking around the upstairs, and heard sobbing. He smashed down the door there was Buttercup eyes all red from crying and Bubbles who was so terrified that she had a heart attack from the smash sound from the door breaking. The killer glared down at Buttercup and said "Time to erase you from existence..." Buttercup was killed by getting choked to death. The Powerpuff Girls' parents came back from their work to pick the The Powerpuff Girls and found the robbed and their daughters along with Unikitty dead. The robbers/killers were never seen or heard from again. They were presumed dead. There might be a small chance those two robbers, were Jason Voorhees and Slenderman...
Ghast, she was in fact really poor, no food, no water! her family lived in some abandoned house. Her Mother was very ill and Ghast's father begged people outside to spare money, water, and food. Most of the people in their place were very greedy and did not want to waste on the needy poor people. Months past, Ghast's parent's died of starvation. She slowly went after them...
Slenderman, he was a friendly kid who soon grew up to be a monster. At the young age, Slenderman was very fast and could jump high. He was athletic. He was very confident of himself, he would ask out any of the popular pretty girls at his school, most of them shot him down. But that didn't shoot down his happiness. He would soon break up with them after day or so. In his late teens, he got into a huge argument with parents and got upset. He called his friend, Jason, and they drove off with his dad's truck to start a "fresh" life of robbery and murders... Slenderman and Jason Voorhees caused 27 or 28 murders. one night around the winter time, officers were lurking around social parks. The robbers rusty red truck was spotted, officers began to chase after them. Jason was caught and sent to life in prison and rotted there. Slenderman ran away into a forest, his body was soon found not long after he ran away. It was frozen solid...
Pikachu, He was a very nice and curious young boy, He enjoyed nature and helped everyone out in the time of need and was always up for adventures with his friends. One summer, his family went on a camping trip to the woods. Soon find out they were not the only ones. In the woods, A very large pack of wolves was around. Pikachu's father notices the wolves and pulls out a gun, Pikachu's mom grabbed Pikachu and ran off with him. Pikachu was horrified, he would hear loud gun shots and the screams of his dad in pain. "Don't worry, Mommy's gonna get help!" there was a waterfall near the woods, his mom, who was holding Pikachu at the time, fell and dropped him down on accident. Pikachu fell down 20 something ft and was impaled by a large sharp rock. It is unknown what happened to Pikachu's mom though.
This isn't mine, it's some "pasta" found on Geoshea's creepypasta wiki.